Another rap music video for Sughar, presented on the prestigeous Asfalt Records YouTube channel. Several studio takes, quite a lot of running in nature. My first trial with car shots – monopod + gimbal + grabbing seats with my feet...
Malerai is a contemporary music trio. This music video illustrates a Jewish poem “Mame Tate”. We’ve been using war symbols and metaphores, showing them through a kid’s eyes. Hope you like...
Opening sequence that will appear during all 10 concerts for kids in the 2015/2016 season at the National Philharmonics. Resolution was matched with the destination projector – 1280x800px. Music – both violin and child’s announcement – were...
Michał Górczyński created a haunting Polish-Japanese album. The animation illustrating the piece needed to be equally haunting, eerie, weird, atmospheric and out of the ordinary. I was inspired by the autumn greyness of Poland and birds migrating to different...
It was a nice adventure. We had about 4 hours to shoot everything all together. Setup was super quick, 2 cameras, a slider, a small jib, smoke machines and lights! It’s...